Photo gallery at Sofi at 50 Forest in Stamford, Connecticut

Apartment Interior Gallery

Images are for demonstration purposes only and may not be an exact representation.  Some upgrades and amenities are available only in specific apartments. 

Community Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery of Sofi at 50 Forest Apartment Homes

We invite you to browse our image galleries and discover what making your home base at Sofi at 50 Forest looks like.

Our one, two, and three bedroom apartment homes feature an open-concept layout – perfect for downtown Stamford, Connecticut, living. Enjoy the city views from a gourmet kitchen that offers culinary inspiration with its stylish granite countertops and green-friendly appliances. Take advantage of the extra storage space with generously sized walk-in closets.

We’ve thought of every detail to promise residents modern city living in the heart of Stamford. Imagine how good life could feel with a light-filled living area and warm wood-inspired flooring. Sofi at 50 Forest is ideal for what’s next in life.

Minimalist decor in a model home's living area at Sofi at 50 Forest in Stamford, Connecticut
Chaise lounge chairs surrounding the pool at Sofi at 50 Forest in Stamford, Connecticut

A Picture Perfect Lifestyle Awaits

At Sofi at 50 Forest, not only will you enjoy stylish urban living, but you have the opportunity to experience an unparalleled suite of community amenities.

Schedule regular workouts in the state-of-the-art fitness center, practice your sun salutations in the yoga room, or swim laps in the heated, outdoor swimming pool. If chilling is more your speed, our comfortable sundeck dotted with lounge chairs makes for an ideal afternoon. And, when you are feeling social, organize a round robin with friends and neighbors on the lighted tennis courts. The lush green setting offers the feel of a private club.

Ready to see for yourself? Schedule your in-person tour of Sofi at 50 Forest with one of our friendly, onsite staff members.

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Residents filling out a form on our website from a mobile device in their new home at Sofi at 50 Forest in Stamford, Connecticut